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Georg Fritz, No. 267 Husband And Wife Saipan 1926
Media Type TIF Image Format
Size 15.77 MB
Collection Georg Fritz Collection
Title Georg Fritz, No. 267 Husband And Wife Saipan 1926
Submitted By:
Submission Date 2022-10-09
Event Description A man and woman pose for a photo in front of a papaya tree, dressed in traditional Japanese clothing of the time.
Event Date N/A
Location Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
Language German (Sütterlin or Kurrent)
Period German Colonial

date: 1926

location: Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands

period/event: German

sub-collection: Sütterlin/Kurrent

language: German

content description: photo, husband standing next to wife sitting down, with papaya trees in the background, Saipan 1926. 

caption: Saipan 1926

translation: "Saipan 1926" (remaining indiscernible, possibly "Jargenisch", "Japanisch" and "Seiler", perhaps a family name)

translator: Roberto Santos, Frank Scherer

translator's note: Sütterlinschrift, or Sütterlin script in English, is a German handwriting style created by Ludwig Sütterlin who was commissioned by the Prussian Ministry of Science, Art and Culture. The handwriting style was taught only between 1915 and 1941 and replaced an older writing style, Kurrent, which was based on cursive from the medieval period. The script was banned (along with other typefaces) by the Nazi party for being considered chaotic. Certain specialists still learn Sütterlin in order to read and learn about old manuscripts including legal documents and music, but there are otherwise increasingly few German people able to decipher it.




tags: colonial, papaya, Japanese, suit, tie




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