Archives - Record Detail

Media Type MP3 Audio File
Size 5.62 MB
Collection Carolinian Oral History
Title Carolinian Oral History, No. 0001 Untitled
Submitted By:
Source Northern Marianas Humanities Council
Submission Date 2022-10-09
Copyright None
Event Description
Event Date N/A
Period Not Indicated

"Carolinian Oral History-cd1-cd1 Track 1-"

"The speaker throughout is Ineniugeman, a woman from Satawal Island who is estimated to be between 65 and 70 years old in 1988. Since many arhuworhuw may be sung in more than one dialect, a particular speaker may have memorized the song or chant in a dialect other than his/her own. On this tape the song designated as #4 is about the navigator Saipweirik from Satawal, but it is sung in the Woleaian rather than Satawalese dialect of Carolinian. The explanations of the speaker are however in Satawalease. In each arhuworhuw, the speaker has included a short explanation after almost every phrase. In the transcribed text this is included beneath the phrase and set off by parentheses (). For the stories which are not sung or chanted, the explanations of the speaker are likewise set off by parentheses and do not represent the actual text of the story."

- Angelina Nesepailug McCoy, Mike A. McCoy, August 1988

Title: Track 1

Date: 10/26/2008

Time: 10:28:03 AM



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